Dual Media Filter (DMF)

DMF is a tailor made combination of Various sand and Carbon to optimize process.

·         Manufacturing processes

·         Brewing and Distilling

·         Removal of VOC Compound

·         Removal Of Chlorine

·         Removal Of Color

·         Pond clean ups

·         Excavation and de-watering projects

·         Preparation of cooling water

·         Treatment of waste water

·         Production of drinking water

·         Filtration in swimming pools

·         Pre filtration for membrane systems

·         Filtration of grey or surface water


Life Technologist designed great quality of Sand Filters.

Manual Dual Media Filter (With Diaphragm Valves)

Manual Dual Media Filter (With MPV- multi Port Valves)

Fully Dual Media Filter (Volumetric)  (With Electronic Valves)

Capacity          500 LPH TO 500 Kl/Hrs

MOC                SS/MS/MS Rubber Lined/ PP FRP


·         Proper Sampling Points.

·         With / With out Skid Mounted

·         Easy in operation

·         No skill man power required

·         Easy to relocate

·         Plug & Play System

·         Proven Technology.

·         High quality design and materials of construction built to last

·         Modular design capability for rapid mobilization and reduced field set-up cost

·         Low maintenance – automated design and controls

·         Reduced environmental footprint – low energy and chemical consumption

·         Fully customizable to a variety of water sources and customer requirements

·         Reliable

·         Sustainable

·         Economical