The Primary objective of cooling water treatment is to facilitate easy heat rejection and minimize water consumption. Cooling involves the transfer of heat (Btu is Kcal/Kg) from one substance to another. The substance that loses heat is said to be cooled, and the one that receives the heat is referred to as the coolant.
Cooling water for the industries if untreated cause several problem i.e. corrosion, scaling, fouling & microbiological growth in cooling towers, condensers, coolers and other parts, resulting in production loss, equipments failure and breakdowns.
When cooling tower is in operation due to poor quality of make up water, problems like
Scaling And Deposition, Corrosion, Fouling, Algae And slimes formation occur in to the sump and the equipment like condenser, heat exchanger, jacket and limpet coils
Life Technologist have various tailor made Solution Like.
LT-201 Anti-Scaling Agents
LT-202 Anti Fouling Agents
LT-203 High Dispersant
LT-204 Corrosion inhibitor
LT-205 Oxidizing Biocide
LT-206 Reducing Biocide
LT-207 Algaecide
LT-208 Fungicide
LT-209 Disinfectant
LT-210 De-scaling chemicals