hat are the sources of iron and manganese in water.
Iron and manganese are concentrated in water by contact with rocks and minerals, and occasionally fabricated materials like iron and steel pipes. Groundwater supplies may require treatment for high levels of iron and manganese; generally few surface water supplies have high enough levels of either to cause problems. Occasionally discharge of acid industrial wastes or mine drainage may increase iron or manganese to problem levels in surface water.
What problems are caused by iron and manganese?
Neither iron nor manganese in water present a health hazard. However, their presence in water may cause taste, staining and accumulation problems.
Because iron and manganese are chemically similar, they cause similar problems. Iron will cause reddish-brown staining of laundry, porcelain, dishes, utensils and even glassware. Manganese acts in a similar way but causes a brownish-black stain. Soaps and detergents do not remove these stains, and the use of chlorine bleach and alkaline builders (such as sodium carbonate) can actually intensify the stains.
Iron and manganese deposits will build up in pipelines, pressure tanks, water heaters and water softeners. This reduces the available quantity and pressure of the water supply. Iron and manganese accumulations become an economic problem when water supply or softening equipment must be replaced. Also, pumping water through constricted pipes or heating water with heating rods coated with iron or manganese minerals increase energy costs.
the redox potential of the water is such as it allows an oxidation of the ferrous iron in ferric iron which precipitates then in iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, thus allowing a natural removal of dissolved iron.
4 Fe2+ 3 O2 –> 2 Fe2O3
Fe2O3 + 3 H2O –> 2Fe(OH)3
Life Technologist Iron Removal Filters that are widely used for removing dissolved iron from feed / raw water. These Iron Removal Filters are easy to operate and provide crystal clear water. Designed to ful fill client’s specific process requirements, these filters help in purifying water & customized as specified by the customers.