Boiler Feed Water Chemicals

The treatment of water for steam generation is one of the most significant branches of water chemistry. Industries use steam, either in the process or generating power. Generation of steam is energy intensive and costly, therefore efficient production and utilization of steam is a prerequisite to keep over all cost of production down. Strategy for the boiler water treatment should be to use the boiler that operates with the highest efficiency for the longest possible time
Boiler water should be treated properly to prevent pitting/corrosion, scaling and carryover even hot blast of tubes. Using some of the specific result oriented additives can prevent these problems to facilitate fast, safe & reliable steam generation.

  Boiler feed water is water used to supply (“feed”) a boiler to generate steam or hot water. At various industries  the feed water is usually stored, pre-heated and conditioned in a feed water tank and supplied to the boiler by a boiler feed water pump.
Major Problem face due to improper quality of feed water.

· Corrosion of tubes       
· Scale Deposition
· Fouling
· Corrosion
· Caustic embrittlement
· Priming and foaming
Life Technologist have various tailor made Solution Like.
LT-101 Anti-Scaling Agents For boiler feed water
LT-102 Corrosion inhibitor
LT-103 Oxygen scavenger
LT-104 High dispersant
LT-105  Anti Fouling Agent
LT-106 pH Booster
LT-107 Sludge Conditioner
LT-108 Condensate PolishingLT-109 Boiler Passivation Chemicals
LT-110 Alkalinity Builder
LT-111 Boiler de-sscaling chemicals