Sand & Carbon Filter

Sand & Carbon Filter

Sand filtration is a frequently used very robust method to remove suspended solids from water.
The filtration medium consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity.
A sand filter has a High dirt holding capacity TSS / m2 of sand surface.

When the filters are loaded with particles, the flow direction is reversed and the flow is increased to clean the filter again . This step is called a backwash.

Carbon filter  is a method of filtering that uses a bed of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities, using chemical absorption.

Each particle/granule of carbon provides a large surface area/pore structure, allowing contaminants the maximum possible exposure to the active sites within the filter media. One pound (450 g) of activated carbon contains a surface area of approximately 100 acres (40 Hectares).

Applications for sand Filters:


Applications for Carbon Filters:


·         Preparation of cooling water

·         Treatment of waste water

·         Production of drinking water

·         Filtration in swimming pools

·         Pre filtration for membrane systems

·         Filtration of grey or surface water



·         Manufacturing processes

·         Brewing and Distilling

·         Removal of VOC Compound

·         Removal Of Chlorine

·         Removal Of Color

·         Pond clean ups

·         Excavation and de-watering projects


Life Technologist designed great quality of Sand Filters.

Manual Sand / Carbon Filter (With Diaphragm Valves)

Manual Sand / Carbon Filter (With MPV- multi Port Valves)

Fully Auto Sand / Carbon Filter (Volumetric)  (With Electronic Valves)

Capacity          500 LPH TO 500 Kl/Hrs

MOC                SS/MS/MS Rubber Lined/ PP FRP


·         Proper Sampling Points.

·         With / With out Skid Mounted

·         Easy in operation

·         No skill man power required

·         Easy to relocate

·         Plug & Play System

·         Proven Technology.

·         High quality design and materials of construction built to last

·         Modular design capability for rapid mobilization and reduced field set-up cost

·         Low maintenance – automated design and controls

·         Reduced environmental footprint – low energy and chemical consumption

·         Fully customizable to a variety of water sources and customer requirements

·         Reliable

·         Sustainable
·         Economical